

Saturday, 31 October 2009

Webosaurs Banned me!

Webosaurs banned me guys! I just have to control my temper from now on... Thats how i got banned.

Its cool!

This is my new one!

That's me in the black circle!

look at this!

Hornssssss Birthday party!


This is Chrisdog's playercard and avatar

Friday, 30 October 2009


Webofest is going to finish tomorrow! Be there! (Well sunday its going to finish actually)

Weboween cave contest


Hey guys! That's right! Another cave contest! Decorate your cave to look all halloweeny and spooky, enough to spook rexxy to fall into lava! With webofest you have been given free items every day yes? Well put them to good use for the contest! To sign up go to the webosaurs blog!

Big party!

Heya guys! Its me, Gloki and there is a big party with Horns, Stretch and Rexxy!

Server: Jurassic
Place: Forest Floor
Time: Now Now Now!
Date: 30th October 2009