

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Scavanger hunt cheats

Gushing geyser-Rexxy and Horns
Rumble Rocks cave-Golf
Jungle Beach-Rumble Rocks cave
Sub Alpine Forest- Dust
Duster's Hangout- Sub Alpine Forest
Camposaurus Canvas Tent- Secret Temple

You win a Wreath. Not bad

1 comment:

  1. Heyya Gloki! Nice blog - keep those updates coming! And I LOVE those banners at the bottom. You should use the Fan Forum to tell people about them! Are you ready for Webogames? It's going to be AWESOME! Don't forget to play EVERY game on Webosaurs, even the Quizbos and Battle Arenas. The more different games you play every day, the better your chances of getting on the leaderboards! I'll see you on the Island!
